The pet sitting industry’s only knowledge-assessed certification exam for professional pet sitters.
Pet Sitters International has been the leading educational association for professional pet sitters, with the mission of “pet-sitting excellence through education.” Now, more than ever, It’s important to stand out from the hobby pet sitters and non-professional pet sitters and dog walkers. This is the most qualified, knowledgeable professional pet-sitting option that pet sitters can obtain to demonstrate their qualifications so they can stand out in the sea of qualified and unqualified options in this industry.
PSI’s CPPS-Certified Professional Pet Sitter® Exam covers general body of knowledge obtained through my educational and professional experiences .
CPPS-Certified Professional Pet Sitter® is a federally-trademarked certification mark PSI awards to professional pet sitters who successfully demonstrate their knowledge and skills by obtaining a passing score on the CPPS Exam and agreeing to adhere to PSI’s Recommended Quality Standards and Code of Conduct & Ethics.
Read the objectives covered required for the CPPS Certification include topics like health and first aid for dogs, cats, and birds. Safety and ethics are also important objectives.
Fetch Worthy has openings for pet sitting during the holidays. Email us today to inquire!